One of the most important things we learn from near-death experiences: the little things in life are the big things…
It’s The Little Things That Count
As the Being of Light moved away… I had gained the knowledge that I could use to correct my life. I could hear the Being’s message in my head:
“Humans are powerful spiritual beings meant to create good on the Earth. This good isn’t usually accomplished in bold actions, but in singular acts of kindness between people. It’s the little things that count, because they are more spontaneous and show who you truly are.”
— Near-Death Experiencer Dannion Brinkley, Saved by the Light: The True Story of a Man Who Died Twice and the Profound Revelations He Received and 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences
The Greatest Of All Actions
“This recounting for the deeds of one’s life is not what you would think at all in terms of this life. Because what was important were the choices I made. And what was more important than the choices I made, were my motivations and my intent, and really the state of my heart in doing any single action…
“I experienced in a holographic awareness that was instantaneous how every action that one takes is like a stone cast in the water. And if it’s loving, that stone… goes out and touches the first person that it’s intended for and then it touches another person and then it touches another person because that person interacts with other people. And so on and so on. And every action has a reverberating effect on every single one of us on the face of this planet. So if I had committed a loving action, it was like love upon love upon love. A purely loving action was the most wonderful thing that I could ever have achieved in my life. This had more meaning than to have been a Rockefeller, or president of the United States, or to have been a great scientist, and to have invented something just incredible. If I had committed a truly pure and loving action, it had reverberated throughout the stuff of every individual on the planet and I felt… that action reverberating through them and through myself. And I felt this in a way that is beyond… what we can feel on this plane of existence.
“So the significance of one’s actions totally changed. What was not important was anything that I had owned or known intellectually (there is a sense of intellectual pride — not that knowledge is bad, knowledge is good), but what was important was the purity and motivation of every action. And I recall the most important of my actions was an instant I would never have recalled except for the near-death experience. Many years ago I had worked every summer as a volunteer with retarded children. There was a day camp that went on and I spend all summer going every day, eight hours a day, to this day camp. And there was a child, one time… I had taken a child aside on a very hot day. And this was not a charming or a particularly lovable child. But I wanted this child to feel loved. I wanted this child to feel, really, the love of God that brought him into existence and that brought us all into existence. I took him aside, although I wasn’t religiously motivated, formally; I just wanted him to feel love. I took him aside and gave him something to drink and just spent some time with him. And he was very agitated, but I just wanted him to feel that love. And that was the greatest of all actions. And that filled with me with unspeakable and incomprehensible joy. And it was not an action that anyone noticed. And it was not an action that I even recalled. And it was not an action that I had done with any thought of reward. It was simply an action motivated by love. By selfless love. And this had great meaning…”
— Near-Death Experiencer Reinee Pasarow, 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences and The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around The World
The Smallest Acts Of Kindness Were Immense Acts
“One of the greatest light-bulb moments during my experience occurred when I learned ‘the smallest acts of kindness were immense acts,’ spiritually speaking. Why? Simply because the ego is not involved in those acts. We do them simply because we are motivated by our inner voice to do them. It is the loving thing to do! We do not expect a pat on the back, or any type of reciprocity for doing the small act. In fact, we don’t even think we are doing any great significance when we do it. This is a HUGE, HUGE spiritual deed and something my Great Teacher, the Light of God, wanted me to help people realize. Because when we unselfishly do this, we are expressing through us The Light into the world. THE LIGHT!!! Every day there are countless ways of elevating ourselves to a higher and more Divine Light-embodied soul-being simply by responding to the love within us through doing small acts of kindness.”
— Near-Death Experiencer Nancy Clark, Divine Moments; Ordinary People Having Spiritually Transformative Experiences and 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences
Tiny Random Kind Acts Would Heal The Planet
“I was told that tiny random kind acts would heal and permanently change the planet.”
— Near-Death Experiencer Lesley Joan Lupo, Remember, Every Breath is Precious: Dying Taught Me How to Live and 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences
All The Little Things We Do Each Day Make The Difference
“I was shown it is not the big things we do in life that make the difference. All the little things we do each day make the difference. Little acts of kindness mean so much to God.”
— Near-Death-Like Experiencer Mary W, 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences
The Little Things Lead To Good And Light
“I was told that it’s the little things we do that lead to good and light in the world.”
— Near-Death Experiencer Angie Fenimore
The Importance That NDEs Place On Ordinary, Everyday Interactions
“The way we treat the cashier, the neighbor’s dog, the tree in our front yard can reverberate across the universe.”
— Near-Death Experience Researcher, David Sunfellow, 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences
Graham Crackers & Milk
“My angel showed me a second vision, a scene I’d forgotten. I now saw myself at 17, when I’d worked at a convalescent hospital after school. I had grown fond of a toothless old woman who was no longer able to speak clearly, and who never had visitors. She liked to suck on graham crackers before going to bed, but no one wanted to serve her because when she had finished, she would drool as she kissed the entire length of the arm of the person feeding her. While others avoided her, I willingly fed her the cookies she adored, seeing how happy this made her. When that scene was replayed for me, I felt as if every loving spirit in God’s kingdom was thanking me in unison. I was amazed that such an act could have meant so much to God — and to me. I felt humbled and very honored.”
— Near-Death Experiencer Dianne Morrissey, 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences and The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around The World
Watering A Tree
“One example of my life review was when I was a little kid. We were traveling by car and stopped somewhere along the way. There was a river not far from the road and I was asked to go and bring some water in a bucket from that river. I went to fill up the bucket but on my way back, I felt that the bucket was way too heavy for me. I decided to empty some of the water to make the bucket lighter. Instead of emptying the water right there, I noticed a tree that was alone by itself in a dry patch of land. I took the effort to go out of my way to that tree and emptied some of the water at the tree base. I even waited there a few seconds to make sure the water is soaked in the soil and is absorbed. In my life review, I received such an applaud and joy for this simple act that it is unbelievable. It was like all the spirits in the universe were filled with joy from this simple act and were telling me, ‘We are proud of you.’ That simple act seemed to be one of the best things I had ever done in my life! This was strange to me, because I didn’t think this little act was a big deal and thought I had done much more important and bigger things. However, it was shown to me that what I had done was extremely valuable because I had done it purely from the heart, with absolutely no expectation for my own gain…”
— Near-Death Experiencer Mohammad Z, 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences and The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around The World
Simple Gestures Had The Most Impact
“I saw that the love we express ripples out, creating an everlasting beauty that is often unbeknownst to us at the time. I saw this happen when I spoke a heartfelt word, thought a truly kind thought or gave undivided attention to someone. I recall simple gestures having the most impact, like a spontaneous and genuine smile. For example, I smiled at a woman I passed on the street and it turned her day around. She had been feeling disheartened about life, and my smile changed her interactions later that day with her children and others. On some level, I heard her thanking me.
“In our essence, we are powerful and loving beings, and we are given countless opportunities to act from that love, endless chances to learn and grow by offering and receiving love. It felt as if we are living inside a grand game, which is perfectly designed to always give us another opportunity to get it right this time.”
— Debra Kaiser – A Child’s Near-Death Experience That Covers All The Bases
Whatever You Do In This World Echoes In Eternity
“Each one of us has his place in the world. Each one of us has things we need to do. And every deed that we do affects the whole world; every deed, every action that we do — negative or positive — affects the entire universe. That’s the power we have. We have the power to completely change and affect the universe.”
“I came to sell you something. Yes, I’m a salesperson. I came to sell you life insurance… But not the type of life insurance in this world; life insurance for the other world.”
“When you leave this world, you’re not taking nothing with you — nothing but you’re good deeds. You’re not taking money; you’re not taking nothing. You can only take your good deeds and the Torah that you studied. That’s it.”
“When you are standing in front of those judges, everything is just weight. Sometimes a small deed is worth so much. Some small deed that you do in this world can change completely how you are being judged. There are so many little things that you can just do. Just give a smile to another person, be nicer to your wife, be nicer to your kids, be nicer to another person. Be honest…”
“Whatever you do in this world, echoes in eternity.”
Download Chapter Three From “500 Quotes From Heaven”
The following FREE chapter comes from the David Sunfellow’s book 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences.