Near-Death Experiences On The Importance Of Plants, Animals And The Earth

Near-Death Experiences On The Importance Of Plants, Animals And The Earth

Post Views: 2,941 …………….. Take Care Of The Earth, The Animals, And One AnotherNDEr Oliver John Calvert “I heard a voice say to me ‘You have not fulfilled your purpose here.’ “And I said, ‘What was my purpose?’… I didn’t have a clue. I...
When Loved Ones & Friends Pass From This World To The Next

When Loved Ones & Friends Pass From This World To The Next

Post Views: 1,828 Many people suffer terribly when a family member or dear friend passes from this world to the next. If you are looking for something to ease your pain and/or lift the pain of another, here are a few helpful resources to explore and share…...